BASRaT Membership Categories and Requirements:
How do I become a member?
BASRaT accepts applications from all those interested in the organisation and the profession of Sport Rehabilitation.
This includes individuals who have graduated from a similar programme of study and feel they can evidence this equivalence, further details can be read below in the Graduate section.
BASRaT requires ALL practising and insured members (registrants) to follow the Standards of Ethical Conduct and Behaviour, and to follow the Clinical Record Keeping Guide.
BASRaT requires ALL registrants upon initial registration or re-registration/readmission to the register to complete a Declaration of Health and Good Character in Relation to Fitness to Practise document, and to read the Fitness to Practise: Membership Guide.
Registrants should also be aware of the Fitness to Practise Panel Guidance
and Fitness to Practise Sanctions Guidance,
and Interim Order Guidance documents.
Restoration of the Register
also gives specific information regarding re-joining the register after being subject to a striking off order.
Please refer to Readmission to the Register for specific information regarding re-registration/readmission onto the register
Please note: The Executive Committee reserves the right to refuse an application for membership of BASRaT.