A career In Sport Rehabilitation
Welcome to our student area where you can find out more information on becoming a Sport Rehabilitator.
A career in Sport Rehabilitation can provide exciting, stimulating and rewarding experiences.
Sport Rehabilitators work in a wide variety of industries and sectors, from premier league clubs to working with Olympic athletes and with injured personnel within the MOD.
Check out our student profiles for a taster of what our graduate Sport Rehabilitators have gone on to achieve.
Where can I study?
There are courses throughout the UK, click here to view more.
Become a student member of BASRaT. Student membership of BASRaT offers:
- Option for malpractice insurance for massage – earn money through massage
- Access course listings, job ads, BASRaT products and professional information in the membership section of the BASRaT website
- Reduced entry fees for Symposium associated with Annual General Meeting
- Membership fee is reimbursed once you become a full BASRaT Member
Why study a BASRaT accredited degree?
BASRaT currently accredits a number of educational programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels at a variety of different educational institutions across the United Kingdom and Ireland. Programmes which gain BASRaT accreditation have demonstrated that the course includes the required module content and is suitably established to enable them to produce Graduate Sport Rehabilitators.
Once accredited with BASRaT, institutions are required to submit details of any programme changes on an annual basis through the Annual Review of Standards process. Every institution is also required to undergo BASRaT reaccreditation in line with their standard programme revalidation schedule. This process of programme re-validation is controlled by an institution's individual quality assurance team, the guidelines set out by external educational bodies such as the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and at the discretion of the BASRaT Executive Committee.
In the event of BASRaT accreditation being removed from a course, current students who have already begun their studies would be able to apply to the BASRaT Registrar for membership while the course accreditation is progressively run out unless the course is subject to a provisional accreditation in which case bestowing graduate membership to cohorts is at the discretion of BASRaT.
For more information, please download the BASRaT Educational Framework for an in depth guide for Higher Education Institutions. Also the Fitness to Practise - guide for Institutions