BASRaT has introduced "lay committee" members to sit on the elected executive committee. The introduction of the lay committee members will ensure strategic insight, engagement with the public, impartiality and further development of regulatory policies across accreditation, membership and continuing professional development. The lay committee member undertakes to serve on the BASRaT executive committee providing a key role in helping to ensure that client and public views and experiences inform committee discussions and decisions. Their position on the BASRaT Executive Committee will last no longer than two years without re-submission of interest as a volunteer and confirmation of no conflict of interest. Re-submission of interest to continue will be confirmed at the Annual General Meeting in November each year. Subsequent terms of office are allowed.
The main responsibilities of the lay committee members will be to attend executive committee meetings representing the patient/client perspective. They will also contribute annually to an independent report on BASRaT performance which audits and comments upon fairness, objectivity, clarity, complaints and transparency of decisions made by the BASRaT executive committee and individual officers which will be published on the BASRaT website here.
Lay Committee Members:
Dr John Morgan
Pennygate Medical Centre
Wigan, Lancs.
Dr Richard Collins