International Working Agreement

Work internationally by gaining membership with partnership organisations

Athletic Training, Therapy and Sport Rehabilitation International Agreement

The International Agreement was formed to enable members to work overseas within the founding Associations' countries. Members can apply to work abroad without needing to graduate in that country; applicants will be evaluated and take a certification exam set by the chosen association. The exam ensures each applicant reaches the standards of education required, this process was developed to ensure comparable best practices, quality education and professional standards.

The current credentialing organisations are Athletic Rehabilitation Therapy (ARTI), in Ireland, British Association of Sport Rehabilitators (BASRaT), Board of Certification (BOC) in the USA and Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA) in Canada.

The International Arrangement


The International Arrangement (IA) for the professions of athletic training, athletic therapy and Sport Rehabilitation plays a key role in optimising care, injury prevention, rehabilitation and supporting the rights of patients and the public to achieve their potential to live well. The IA ensures comparable best practices, quality education and professional standards. The IA provides an opportunity for Athletic Trainers, Athletic Therapists and Sport Rehabilitators to be mobile on a global scale by creating a pathway to challenge each other's credentialing examination.

The current credentialing organisations are Athletic Rehabilitation Therapy (ARTI), in Ireland, British Association of Sport Rehabilitators (BASRaT), Board of Certification (BOC) in the USA and Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA) in Canada.

Education and Credentialing

The four founding organisations established educational standards for the International Agreement.

Working in collaboration with International Consultants of Delaware (ICD), the organisations participated in an analysis of education and credentialing standards. These standards serve as a benchmark during the process of credentials evaluation conducted by ICD to ensure that entry-to-practice skills and competencies have been acquired by the applicant. This is done through a detailed analysis of academic courses, syllabi, continuing professional education, and other related activities that describe the applicant's cumulative knowledge, abilities, behaviour and expertise.

The outcome of the evaluation identified areas that are considered gaps in each country. The following high level area criteria may help you prepare for an IA organisation exam ensuring there are no gaps in your knowledge

Click on the organisation you are currently a member of:

Becoming Credentialed

Who Qualifies?

Anyone certified or registered with an IA organisation (ARTI, BOC, CATA, BASRaT) qualifies and can submit an application to take the exam of another IA organisation.

How to Become Credentialed

BASRaT members wishing to work overseas

A step by step guide on the first stages of this process is given below, alongside further information on the ICD Application, help on Education Standards needed for the exam and a prompt on Visa and work permits.

  1. Visit the organisation's website of the country you wish to apply for, where you will find detailed instructions. ARTI BOC CATA
  2. Begin the application process for the organisation you wish to become credentialed with, you will sign up for provisional International membership.
  3. The IA organisation will direct you to the website of International Consultants of Delaware, Inc. (ICD) to complete an evaluation. You then complete the ICD application (Tutorial).
  4. ICD will provide an evaluation report to the applicant and the International Arrangement organisation.
  5. The International Arrangement organisation will determine exam eligibility based on the evaluation report.

Click on the appropriate International Arrangement organisation below for details on how to challenge their exam:

Visit the BASRaT website for updates on their International Arrangement status

ICD Application

Once you are directed to ICD's online portal, you will input information and provide documentation. You will be required to:

  • Pay ICD an evaluation of credential administrative fee of $275 (USD)
  • Submit 2 notarised identity documents (an additional cost for notarisation may be required) e.g. driving license, passport, marriage license.
  • Provide official transcripts from your BASRaT accredited institution
  • Submit a signed Education Form from the academic institution in which you graduated. The form will be available to download from the ICD application portal.
  • Submit a signed Certification Form from BASRaT's head office. The form will be available to download from the ICD application portal.

Once all requirements have been met, ICD will produce a report to the applicant's intended IA partner. That IA partner will review the ICD report and will contact the applicant to discuss next steps.

Each IA partner may have additional requirements that need to be met prior to challenging their certification process. This requirement is at the discretion of each individual IA partner but will mostly surround educating applicants on country specific differences (e.g. scope of practice, health care system, insurance and liability coverage).

Educational Standards

Once the IA partner contacts you about taking their exam, you are advised to ensure your knowledge is sufficient. As part of the IA process, a thorough review of educational standards was carried out and a number of areas were identified as gaps from each country. View this document which will help you ensure there are no gaps in your knowledge - this is given here.

Visas and Work Permits

Ensure you look into and secure work visa and immigration regulations. To find out more visit the relevant Government's website.

Applying to become a BASRaT member

Current members of credentialed organisations - ARTI, BOC and CATA can apply for BASRaT International Membership.

The first step to becoming a BASRaT registrant and working in the UK is to register for International Membership. The registration fee of £100 includes the cost of membership, the exam and a resit of the exam if this is required. The membership fee is valid for 12 months to give you time to successfully complete the exam and join us as a member.

We will run through the full process of joining, starting with a quick step by step guide.

Quick guide to becoming a BASRaT member

  1. Apply for BASRaT's International Membership
  2. Successfully complete the evaluation with ICD
  3. Take the BASRaT examination
  4. Ensure you have a relevant first aid qualification
  5. Apply for full BASRaT Registrant membership

BASRaT International Membership

Start your application for membership by completing this form you will then fill out an application form and process the membership fee.

Evaluation with ICD

Once you have become an International member of BASRaT you need to complete an evaluation with the International Consultants of Delaware, Inc. (ICD). View the ICD Application Tutorial here to help you through the process.

The ICD will then provide us with an evaluation report which determines whether you are eligible to take the BASRaT exam.

The BASRaT International Examination

The exam will be performed remotely and takes place monthly, on the second Monday of each month. You must apply in sufficient time for your application and exam details to be processed.

Each applicant will receive a handbook prior to the exam which addresses queries and questions. Currently you can apply through an online form which can be accessed within your membership page. The examination will consist of at least 100 multiple choice questions which must be completed within a maximum of two hours from the start of the assessment. You have 12 months from the start of your International membership to successfully complete the exam and join BASRaT.

Gaps in educational standards

Documents are available to help you to ensure there are no gaps in your knowledge. As part of the process of setting up the International Agreement, a thorough review of educational standards was carried out. A number of areas were identified as gaps in knowledge from this review, you can view these by clicking on the organisation you are currently a member of:

First Aid Requirements

BASRaT members are required to have a relevant first aid qualification (also known as a First Responder qualification). An international equivalent would be sufficient for entry onto the BASRaT register.

You will need to maintain registration of your qualification. The minimum requirement is an Emergency First Aid qualification, this is a 6-hour course, taught in person, which includes CPR. Two example of these qualifications are here and here.

Our recommended online Emergency First Aid course is delivered by First Aid for Life. It is a 6 hour course, specific to MSK Therapists, covering everything needed to fulfil BASRaT's minimum requirements. When signing up for the course, please use the code "basratfirstaid". View here.

We also strongly recommend that you hold a qualification that meets the needs of your work, for example, if you work in pitch-side care, we would recommend a trauma qualification (eg. Pre-Hospital Immediate Care in Sports Level 2) For example RFU course.

BASRaT Registrant Membership

Once you have gone through the process with the ICD and passed the BASRaT exam, you will be eligible to apply to become a BASRaT registrant, you can apply here.

Visas and Work Permits

Ensure you look into and secure work visa and immigration regulations. To find out more visit the UK Government's website.