Feedback / Raising a Concern

BASRaT exists to represent and act to regulate the professionals working in the field of sports and exercise based injury prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. As an organisation, we welcome feedback about ourselves and our members. That is why your feedback, positive or negative, is important to us.

If you feel that one of our members deserves recognition or praise for their work, or if you would like to feedback to BASRaT about our organisation in any way, please let us know.

Please send feedback to:

BASRaT Chair
PO Box 627
M14 0PN

Office Tel- 0330 133 2123

Or, alternatively send us electronic feedback via email to

Or, to send us feedback online now, please CLICK HERE for an electronic feedback form.

Raising A Concern against a Registrant

If you would like to raise a concern regarding one of our registrants please check the Raising a Concern/FtP Guide. In order for us to deal with any concern raised you may want to complete the Raising a Concern Form Please note that we cannot consider cases about professionals who are not registered with us.

Once completed the form can be posted to:

FAO: Registrar
PO Box 627
M14 0PN

Office Tel- 0330 133 2123

Alternatively you can also email the form to the BASRaT registrar, or administration office,

As another option you can also raise a concern by telephone. In this case please contact the BASRaT administration office on 0330 133 2123. With your consent, details will be noted using the Raising a concern Form and then you may be contacted by the BASRaT Registrar as a follow up.

Please contact BASRaT if you require any support to put your concern in writing. BASRaT will not ignore a concern because it is not in writing and will support those who may be unable to put a concern in writing (e.g. due to language or literacy difficulties).

Office Tel- 0330 133 2123
Administration Email-
Registrar Email-

Specific information regarding our fitness to practise panels can be found HERE Additional information about sanctions that maybe imposed by any fitness to practise panel in line with our fitness to practise process can be found HERE. Any sanctions imposed/details of fitness to practise hearings will be published via "disciplinary proceedings" as well as on the member's profile on the register.

If you would like to raise a concern/complaint about BASRaT please contact one of our ethics committee members HERE

The List below includes all relevant BASRaT guidance and processes related to Fitness to Practise:

Raising a Concern against BASRaT

If you would like to raise a concern directed at BASRaT in its function as a professional body and regulator please complete the Raising a Concern against BASRaT Form.

Once completed the form can be posted to:

FAO: The Ethics Committee
PO Box 627
M14 0PN

Office Tel- 0330 133 2123

Alternatively you can email the form to any member of the BASRaT Ethics Committee As another option you can also raise a concern by telephone. In this case, please contact the BASRaT administration office on 0330 133 2123 who will provide alternative contact details for the BASRaT Ethics Committee members.

BASRaT will not ignore a concern because it is not in writing and will support those who may be unable to put a concern in writing (e.g. due to language or literacy difficulties). In such a case please discuss this with the BASRaT Ethics Committee member.

Please see the information below regarding the process involved when a concern is raised:

  1. Contact made with a member of the BASRaT Ethics Committee (as highlighted above).
  2. The Ethics Committee members in agreement (minimum two) decide whether the concern raised warrants further investigation. Any decision and reasons behind the decision will be confirmed with you in writing within 5 working days from the decision being made.
  3. If further investigation is warranted the Ethics Committee members will gather further information from all parties concerned. This may involve further contact with yourself as well as BASRaT as an organisation.
  4. Based on the information gathered a decision/resolution will be made by the Ethics Committee members in agreement (minimum two) and yourself as the individual raising the concern. Any decision/resolution and reasons behind the decision will be confirmed with you, in writing within 5 working days from the decision being made.
  5. Any decision/resolution will be communicated to BASRaT as an organisation to facilitate continuing development and transparency.
  6. Any response from BASRaT as an organisation will be communicated to yourself as the individual raising the concern.