A Graduate Sport Rehabilitator (GSR) is a graduate level autonomous healthcare practitioner specialising in musculoskeletal management, exercise based rehabilitation and fitness. All BASRaT Graduate Members have demonstrated their ability to fulfil the skills and knowledge set out in the BASRaT Role Delineation to degree level and have completed a minimum of 400 hours of clinical work placement under the supervision of a suitably qualified healthcare professional.

Key Educational Standards of a Graduate Sport Rehabilitator

  • Minimum level of education of a clinically focused BSc (Hons) degree programme with standards commensurate with other Allied Healthcare Professions.
  • Course content that must include how to assess, diagnose and treat a wide range of health conditions including upper limb, lower limb and spinal conditions in a wide range of populations as well as knowledge and skill in prescribing exercise for both health and performance.
  • In addition to University based teaching and clinical practice all Graduate Members must have completed a minimum of 400 hours of clinical work placement under the supervision of a suitably qualified healthcare professional.

Please download the full BASRaT Role Delineation (GSR) document here.

Role of a Graduate Sport Rehabilitator
1. Professional Responsibility and Development

The GSR, as a regulated registrant of BASRaT should adhere to BASRaT Code of Ethics and hold at all times appropriate current insurance and first aid certification. The GSR should work within their scope of practice and professional competency at all times, extending and maintaining this via Continuing Professional Development. As a part of the multidisciplinary healthcare team, the GSR should communicate and refer appropriately to the other professionals. In addition, the GSR has a professional responsibility to maintain and manage accurate medical records.

2. Prevention

The GSR has the knowledge and skills necessary to recognise the risks associated with injury and implement an appropriate plan to minimize these risks. This involves the planning, implementation and interpretation of pre-participation screening, to identify potential predisposing factors to musculoskeletal injury and health related disorders. From these findings the GSR has the ability to synthesize information and formulate an appropriate evidence based intervention. evidence based intervention.

3. Recognition and Evaluation of the Individual

The GSR has the knowledge and skills necessary to recognise and evaluate the status of the individual and from this information determine the appropriate course of management. This evaluation involves a biopsychosocial approach that incorporates neuromusculoskeletal, physiological and psychosocial approaches, with full consideration of health and lifestyle factors. A clinical impression is formulated from which an appropriate evidence based management plan is developed.

4. Management of the Individual -
Therapeutic Intervention, Rehabilitation and Performance Enhancement

Following appropriate assessment, the GSR has the knowledge and skills necessary to facilitate the recovery of function, return to physical activity, and high levels of performance through a clinically reasoned approach, which incorporates evidenced based therapeutic intervention, and exercise. Throughout the management of the individual, the GSR has the skills to objectively monitor the intervention strategy and determine the need for appropriate modification. A holistic approach allows optimal recovery, through consideration of the multifactorial needs of the individual.

5. Immediate Care

The GSR has appropriate knowledge and skill in the application of recognised measures of care including basic life support and first aid for life threatening and other emergency situations. The GSR is also capable of evaluating acute injury and illness and subsequently make an informed decision based on the indications and contraindications initiating care or return to participation.

BASRaT respects the role of all health professions and all members of the multi-disciplinary team. Graduate Sport Rehabilitators may work alongside many other health professions. To find out more about other health professions and how they are regulated the following links may be of interest.